WhatsApp for Business in Education: How Edtech Companies can Benefit from WhatsApp Business API

Even before the Pandemic could strike, the education industry was under financial pressure. The pandemic added to the woes and sent shockwaves to the education system when schools were forced to shut down due to the nationwide lockdowns that were imposed. Public and private schools were faced with severe challenges with the increasing number of dropouts, reduced student enrollment and high learning losses. However, the Covid-19 also paved the way for digital adoption in the school system, with the sector opening up to new and innovative ways of learning.
Countless students all over the world are turning to WhatsApp to meet their education needs- to connect with teachers and peers, to learn remotely and boost their knowledge and skills. Online sessions through WhatsApp ensures that the quality of education is not compromised while helping students continue their learning despite the trying times. Benefits of using WhatsApp in the Edtech sector
The use of WhatsApp in education is becoming popular, here are the reasons why
• WhatsApp offers seamless real-time communication between teachers and students and teachers and parents.
• It is the ideal tool to use in low connectivity locations where digital resources to support online learning are scarce.
• WhatsApp has a user-friendly interface and is easy to use. Teachers who do not have access to video conferencing tools can use WhatsApp to conduct classes.
• WhatsApp is more dynamic and facilitates proactive interactions. Students can not only listen in but watch, learn and communicate with teachers from wherever they are located.
• To equip students and enhance their learning experience teachers can provide audio, video clips, notes, PPTs and other educational resources using WhatsApp.
• WhatsApp also facilitates teamwork and collaboration between students to help them learn better.