strategies to reverse chronic health problems

In our first live conference, we bring to you expert panel of speakers sharing their clinical experiences and strategies to reverse chronic health problems.
*Cardiometabolic Health*
Cardiometabolic disease describes a spectrum of conditions beginning with insulin resistance, progressing to the metabolic syndrome, pre-diabetes, and finally to more severe conditions including cardiovascular disease (CVD) and type 2 diabetes (T2DM)
*GUT Health and Autoimmunity*
There is a growing body of research that has linked autoimmune issues to the health of the gut microbiome. Because 80 percent of your immune system is within the gut lining, any imbalances you have in your microbiome can contribute to the development of an autoimmune disease
*Depression,Anxiety, Autism and ADHD*
Depression is a common and complex mood disorder that can severely affect a patient’s quality of life and even their family dynamic. So is Autism. It’s not just brain disorder but a whole body disorder
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