Good and Quality Education of Shining Stars...
5/516 B,Sakthi Sairam Street,Ganapathi Nagar,Allapakkam,Porur,Chennai,Tamil Nadu, 600116
PHONE NO : 8610800250
EMAIL ID : info@rajivschool.in
“He who plants trees benefits another Generation”, with this adage in mind one more sapling was planted by the Founder Mr.Ramamurthy and the Managing Trustee Mrs. V.Geeta in the year 1995 in the location Alapakkam which was once economically backward. The Rajiv School of Excellence was established with a view to provide rich learning experience to help the students to develop their innate talents and potentials.
Nuturing: Since its inception with 54 pupils in classes Kg to V std. Has now led to an incredible growth with the strength of over 1000 pupils in classes KG to XII. In the real sense, the youth of today is the architect of the destiny of the future. Education, therefore, has to be administered with great care and commitment, determination and dedication. The prime objective of the school is to channelize the children by providing them a liberal education in a hygienic atmosphere to transit as global citizens who can look beyond geographical boundaries and promote a culture of peace and brotherhood. Our journey continues still with pride and pride by hopping 25th Silver Jubilee Year. In order to facilitate and fulfil the Mission, the school has incorporated the following in its curriculum.
- General Knowledge with Grey caps materials
- Smart Class based learning is provided with A/C room for all classes
- Joyous Phonics for Kindergarten
- Yoga Classes
- Karate classes
- Basic Sports skills. Extra Sports coaching which includes Kabaadi, Kho-Kho, Volley Ball and Shuttle Badminton
- Upgrading skills in Math Lab for every Term
- Workshop in computer teaching
- Workshop in Phonics
- Training program for teaching faculty
- Workshop in Communicative English
- Motivational workshop for Teachers by eminent faculties
- Workshop for identifying learning and behavioural disabilities in children
- A competency-building program on personal responsibility in delivering excellence
- E-based teaching methodology
- Personality Development
The innovative ideas and the encouragement of our Managing Trustee Mrs. V.Geeta, the commitment of the Correspondent Mr. R.Manoj Kumar, the untiring and dedicated service of the staff, continuous support rendered by the Parent and above all the love and enthusiasm of our children are factors that will augment Rajiv School of Excellence to grow into numerous and delicious fruit-bearing tree.
We welcome you to our institution Rajiv School of Excellence which works with the aim of providing the best education in our locality to prepare every individual to become a global leader. Using the most innovative technology coupled with the most modern teaching methodologies. We endeavour to inspire our children a confidence born of a relentless pursuit of knowledge spurred on by empowered teaching faculties. It is not all work at school to enhance the physical activity of a child we provide drama, yoga, sports, karate, dance and art as well. We have a well-stocked library and fully equipped laboratories to ensure that a pupil explores hi/her knowledge and wisdom. I am sure with your cooperation and our efforts, we will fulfil to reach the goal of the students and make them to become competent citizens of future.
Mrs. V. Geeta Ramamurthy
Chairperson & Managing Trustee
Welcome to a new school year at Rajiv School of Excellence. We commence this year with the promises to be filled with wonderful new beginnings and exciting accomplishments.
Here at Rajiv School of Excellence, we strongly believe that educational institutions should aim at producing global leaders – well educated minds who will be the ‘movers of people’, ‘mobilizers of opinion’ and ‘menders of society’.
We ensure that their personal participation from each student in order to transform them into confident, sociable, respectable, caring, responsible and ethical individuals, who can faced tomorrow’s dreadful challenges with the ability to adapt to a diverse and ever-changing society.
We have dedicated staffs who believe that ‘Education’ is a blend of the entire gamut of exercises including academics, sports and extracurricular activities such as dance, drama, drawing and so on. Our team of teachers work hard towards proving a suitable environment conducive to learning and bringing out the latent talents of each child so that each student of Rajiv School of Excellence will be a bright star, lighting up tomorrow’s skies.
Needless to say, it is the unconditional support and untiring efforts of the Managing Trustee
Mrs. V. Geeta Ramamurthy, the committed service the Principal and Staff, and the continuous support and encouragement, no to mention, undying faith of the parents, which has made Rajiv School of Excellence a living, breathing reality.
We look forward to many more achievements in this new cheerful year; to create new paths and to fulfil the promise of being model educators. We welcome our students, parents and community leaders to join hands with us to march towards a better tomorrow.
Thank you, parents, for having faith in Rajiv School of Excellence and i assure you that we shall do everything to live up to your faith.
My prayers and good wishes to you all.
Mr. R.Manoj Kumar
Knowledge has to be acquired and enhanced in multiple ways. For this we have ensure a promising reading ability among children at the kindergarten level. The method of jolly phonics has been well established in our curriculum where skilled and trained teachers handle them with at most care.
Primary And Secondary:
The curriculum for primary levels follows the state board prescribed syllabus. The books are with the current topics and much more real life activities and facts that indulge every student in effective learning. Each and every classroom is well equipped with LED’s and a system that makes lessons interesting, informative, innovative and interactive.
We give the teachers a platform to work on teaching software. Thus teachers and students use their time in a qualitative way Projects and experiments are conducted now and then in Mathematics, science and computer science to hypothesize each and every child’s understanding.
Through “do and learn”: Basic concepts and theories in Mathematics are explained to children with great ease while they work on these in the Math Lab. In this competitive world our future generation has to meet challenges and success. For this language development skills are very important.
School Cinema:
The management of our school is very particular about the human values that has to be put into practice by each and every child of the current generation for which we furnish School cinema in their classrooms for tempering the empathetic emotions of the tender minds.
- Assessments will be conducted as per the CCE Norms upto VIII std and state board norms for IX to XII std.
- Mid Term Test 1 will be scheduled during the month of August.
TERM I ( June- Sep), TERM I Exam(Sep)
TERM II ( Oct- Dec), TERM II Exam(Dec)
TERM III ( Jan- Apr), TERM III Exam(Apr)
- Re-examination or re-test will not be held on any account.
- A Parent-Teacher interactive session will be held after every assessment.
- Progress Reports will be issued during this session.
- Progress Reports must be signed by the Parents/Guardians in person.
Academics cannot be transferred in an abstract way. A classroom always comprises children with varied intellectual levels. To quench the minds of all we generate worksheets that supplement real learning and improve practical learning in the classroom. All subjects are supported with relevant worksheets which not only acknowledge the child’s understanding but also brings out his unseen thinking skills.
Examination Scheme:
Our educational organization necessitates to persuade the intellectual desire of each and every child in diverse ways. One such approach is to conduct peripheral examinations on our school campus. It gives a wide exposure to face challenging examinations in future.
We Conduct:
- SOF – Olympiad Examination
- Spellbee
- MAT – Mental Ability Test
- PSA – Problem Solving Ability Test
- OTBA – Open Text Book Assessment
- Grey Caps – General Knowledge Books with Test papers attached
Remedial Classes:
Children love individual attention. We render this regularly in our classrooms. At times special attention for a few learners group is necessary. Care and patience is the support teachers give them after their regular class school hours. We depute teachers who identify the field in which training is needed and generally help them out for transferring them as achievers in the forthcoming exams. Peer learning method is also adopted.
Workshop And Seminars:
The changing generations are in a constant rummage of knowledge wherever they go to fill their inquisitive minds teachers have to continuously upgrade their knowledge and technology in education. Our management always anticipates workshops and seminars for our teaching staff in the fields of
- Teachers Enrichment programmes
- Science Enrichment Programmes
- Questioning Skill Session
- Worksheet Generation
- Classroom Management
- Jolly Phonics (Kindergarten and primary)
- Language Enrichment Programme
- Enrichment Programme – Mathematics
- Awareness Programme – Free Plastics/ Litter Free Region
Other renowned organizations also have conducted Enrichment Programmes now and then. The teachers make it a point to instill all these strategies in their classroom.
- Parents are request to read the guidelines and rules carefully and adhere to them
- Parents shall cooperate with the school authorities when called for consultation on matters of common interest.
- Parents are expected to cooperate in the functioning of the school by enforcing regularity, punctuality and discipline on the part of their ward by taking daily interest in their child’s progress
- Parents should take part in the PTA meetings and celebrations of the schools.
Matha, Pitha, Guru, Deivam makes it clear that a child’s life begins with his/her mother. Nothing comes to an edge without the parent’s interaction with teachers. After every Summative Assessment or term and examination a PTA – Parent Teacher Association is held. The main focus of this session is to pool in the views, ideas, suggestions and feedback of parents and teachers for a smooth and efficient functioning of an educational organization and discuss the future perspective of the child. Every genuine verdict is respected by our Management. Parents are free to give their opinions in person.
L.K.G – 8.45am to 2.30pm
U.K.G – 8.45am to 2.30pm
I to XII – 8.45am to 3.50pm
Lunch Timings: 12.10pm to 12.40pm
Gushing of thoughts in a creative mind is a boom and this can be Kindled only in a conductive environment.
Classrooms are well ventilated and spacious supported with LEDs boards. A hygiene environment & quality furniture is our bench mark.
Art Studio
We provide a comfortable zone for the budding artists where they can define colours to their dream. Artistically decorated studio with adjustable furniture that suits the child’s working prototype, spacious tables and colours all around enlightens the spirit of art in them.
Multimedia Suite
Multimedia has captured the educational industry. The Salient features of our multimedia suite are:
Well planned air-conditioned MMS room which can accommodate approximately 40 students at a time.
An apparent 5.1 audio system, Projector Screen, Smart Board and a clear visibility of the screen to the students are to be highlighted.
Syllabus oriented enrichment videos and chapter related facts.
Smart board that enables to focus the thoughts of children by the facilitator.
Projector to project the presentations of children.
Library is an immeasurable treasure which can impact knowledge, language, literature and awareness of oneself, discipline etc. We boast to ourselves having a spacious and colourful library. It furnishes a wide catalogue and unique atmosphere to enables reading skills. Our management is always updated with the current changing generation of kids who always ask for more and with a difference. There is an availability of multilingual books, knowledge based books, activity based books and unique story books. Children are welcome to choose books of their choice and share their feelings about them with their teachers. “It’s a treasure island” says a kid who witnessed all varieties of books under his school roof.
Physics Laboratory
All the latest apparatus are incorporated so as to elope the questioning minds to a world of scientific concepts in a clear sky. Experienced and smart teachers give individual attention to the starters and also boost up the confidence level in handling apparatus with care.
Chemistry Laboratory
Colours, acid and odours is all that Chemistry speaks for us. But the Chemistry between the chemicals, staff and children are so enterprising that innovative minds trigger many queries and quench their knowledge thirst. Safety measures and precautions are instantly available with sufficient staff to attend. But “Prevention is better than cure: is our motto.
Biology Laboratory
“Curiosity, Quest and hands on, minds, on: concept is closely linked with anxious minds where they are given a platform to explore, interpret and exhibit their hypothetical concepts. All latest amenities and apparatus are exclusively available to our children to ensure the flow of concept to its summit. Well trained teachers and lab attenders ensure extraordinary care and safety to every child.
Math Laboratory
Math is no more a terror. Children love their Math periods. Mathematical concepts are minds blowing and children learn these in a more practical environment.
Information Technology:
Computer Laboratory
The School has excellent computer labs. Our Students have unlimited access to computers with software tools.
Technology speaks a lot. But nothing can replace a teacher. We admire and apply technology to fulfil our journey in teaching. All classrooms are well equipped with a system and LED’s display. Teachers are well trained to operate these and also access network for additional support in impacting clarity in concept. Application oriented software are taught to children where they show wonderful skills on the computers at the end of every term through a Tech-Day” Parents visit their projects and interact with children. Our management has supplemented the classroom with various teaching software which is a boon to children and the tender minds
Activities & Club
Nature highlights every individual’s talents at one crucial period of life & that is identified during the school days and nurtured. We conduct regular activities where students exhibit their talents & win awards a good & health comp is encouraged in our school from class KG to XII
The school has been sailing successfully for about 10 years with the dramatization organization team. There is no compromise of the quality in English language which we emphasize through drama. Even the timid child becomes an orator.
Walking with colours keeps a person pleasant always. They are taught the art of colouring/painting and possible art work of their age group. Gushing of thoughts in a creative mind is a boon and this can be kindled only in a conductive environment. We provide a comfortable zone for the budding artists where they can bring life to their dreams. Artistically decorated studio with adjustable furniture that suits the child’s working prototype, spacious tables and colours all around enlightens the spirit of art in them.
Yoga & Karate
Control of mind and body and thoughts comprises Yogasana. We have experienced and trained instructor who can manage children of all ages. They are trained well and motivated to participate in competition across the city, state and national levels in Karate and Yoga. Children have brought innumerable laurels to our school.
Club Activities
A Talent brings happiness all around when it is executed Kinds express their skills and talents when given a variety of preferences to demonstrate their capability. We render such an exclusive platform which empowers their decision making ability. The Club activities which projects the welfare of mankind such as Eco club, Art & Craft create a feel of responsibility within oneself. Through the above mentioned club we conduct Fruits Day, Flowers Day, Colours Day, Cooking without fire, etc
Awareness Campaigns
Being a scholar does not just mean to empower himself/herself but should create a positive impact on the society and kin. We never promote the young leaders of our School to play a part in all the awareness proceedings happening around us to inculcate a sense of responsibility in self and the general public. The active participation of our students is also available on facebook.
- Plastic Free
- Organic Food
- Conserve electricity and water
- Save water
Knowledge acquired attains accomplishment when its experienced. Regular planned trips are organized with utmost care and dedication by our Chairperson and Correspondent to experience reality.
Nature highlights every individual’s talents at one crucial period of life & that is identified during the school days and nurtured. We conduct regular activities where students exhibit their latent talents & win awards a good & health comp is encouraged in our school from KG to XII.
Edu Sports
Edu sports has been associated with our quite a few years to implement a best-in-class physical education & Sports programme. The programme is designed to offer the same rigor in sports & physical education as in academics.
Stress Free Games
Stress and pressure load our minds with trauma and tension. Our physical trainers and our Edusports team organize stress free games for teachers and children to relieve us from anxiety worries. It means so much to our staff
Coaching Class
After the School hours our physical trainers conduct coaching class for the following category of sport twice a week.
- Volleyball
- Basketball
- Badminton
- Karate(Self defence sport)
Admission Procedure :
- The application form has to be personally fetched from the school office.
- The duly filled in application form should be submitted to the office within the stipulated time.
- On submission of application form application procedure will commence.
- Original Birth Certificate, Transfer Certificate, Community, Aadhaar Card & EMIS No. If applicable certificates to be brought at the time of admission.
- Admission status will be intimated to the Parent either over phone or by SMS.
- Admission is purely on the basis of availability of seats, age and on fulfilling the conditions of admission.
- Mere obtaining an application form for admission or registration form does not guarantee selection for admission.
- Selection is purely at the discretion of the management.
- Parents/Guardians of new students applying to the school are advised to contact the school reception over telephone