PEST CHECK SYSTEMS, CHENNAI, Pest Control Chennai, Termite Control Chennai, Crawling Insects Chennai,Bed Bugs Chennai, Post Construction Anti-Termite Treatment, Pre-Construction Anti-Termite Treat

Pest Control Services:- We wish to impress upon you that we are competent and adequately equipped to render very satisfactory services with a Total Pest Management Package. This will be an integrated Pest Management Program to include techniques with chemical and non – chemical methods, Prophylactic measures are certain proofing measures to keep the pest away from the target areas. We shall be employing highly selective, safe to human, eco- friendly and approved products and use them very judiciously.
Termites:- We would like to introduce ourselves as one of the leading pest control organization. Based on a survey carried over by Govt. Agencies and from our past experience, it has been found that most of the areas in and around Chennai Metro and Sub Urban Areas in Tamil Nadu / In India are vulnerable for termite infestation. Hence it is highly necessary to recommend the termite proofing measures for the new constructions in order to protect the valuable property and the specialized interior designs created by you.
We wish to impress upon you that we are competent and adequately equipped to render very satisfactory services with a Total Pest Management Package. This will be an integrated Pest Management Program to include techniques with chemical and non – chemical methods, Prophylactic measures are certain proofing measures to keep the pest away from the target areas. We shall be employing highly selective, safe to human, eco- friendly and approved products and use them very judiciously.
Regular documentation will be maintained and this will be a continuous process throughout the year. Besides suitable control measures, regular vigilance also shall be maintained followed by our periodicals internal audit to eliminate any deficiencies, in order to maintain and ensure highest quality standards.

We would like to introduce ourselves as one of the leading pest control organization. Based on a survey carried over by Govt. Agencies and from our past experience, it has been found that most of the areas in and around Chennai Metro and Sub Urban Areas in Tamil Nadu / In India are vulnerable for termite infestation. Hence it is highly necessary to recommend the termite proofing measures for the new constructions in order to protect the valuable property and the specialized interior designs created by you.We carry out the termite proofing measures for the NEW BUILDINGS RCC Foundation, Structural Foundation and Pile Foundation:
Through spraying soil toxicant emulsion on the soil adjoining the foundation structure and below the floor concrete at plinth level and around the external perimeter of the building close to the external wall. This treatment Will be carried out at various stages of construction in co–ordination with the construction Project Manager or Engineer keeping a close watch over the Progress of the construction work. The pre-construction anti-termite is supported by (TEN years) 10 Years Service WARRANTY
We suggest Post Construction Anti- Termite Treatment measures are:
Five years Warranty for Independent House
Attached Buildings or Apartments' Warranty Three Years
* Drilling ½" Dai holes at the wall & floor junctions at one foot intervals and Injecting soil poisons to create a continuous chemical barrier from inside.
* Spraying & treating the cupboards, partitions joints etc., to exterminate existing Infestation & to make them resistant to termite attack.
* Drilling & Roding at once foot intervals along the external perimeter and injecting Soil poisons to create a chemical barrier from outside.
* All the electrical conduits, Switch and junction boxes will also be treated with Termiticides.
Cockroaches are nocturnal. They prefer a moist environment with a relatively high degree of warmth. Cockroaches produce odorous secretions, which may affect the flavor American Cockroaches and German Cockroaches' are found inside the building i.e. Kitchen areas Of food and which: When the population is high, impart a characteristic odor to the air in the general region of the infestation. These insects have the ability to carry disease producing organisms, particularly associated with illness and disease out breaks. Although several digestive diseases have been transmitted experimentally, gastroenteritis appears to be the principal one for which roaches can be Considered a natural vector. Cockroaches usually choose to live in protected areas like cracks and crevices where they sometimes gather in great numbers. This treatment is also effective against Ants & Silverfish.
Rats are adaptable in their habits and have no set pattern to behavior. As environmental Condition change, they modify their habits accordingly. Rat's activity is most evident at Night, although when undisturbed or when very hungry, rats move about and feed in the Day time. Acute food poisoning can result from eating food that has been contaminated with rat excreta.
Hiding places of rats usually well protected. Outdoors, the nesting place may be in burrows in the ground or tangles of tree limbs, trash dumps, or piles of rubbish. Indoors, nest will be found in wall voids, underneath floors next to the ground or in undisturbed rubbish or stored materials. The rat control operation consists of trapping .baiting with anti-coagulant rodenticides. The trapped /dead rats if any will be removed promptly / or on intimation and suitable deodorant will be sprayed. During our service, we will identify and suggest you if any mechanical measures to be taken to prevent the entry of rats.
At Lizard Control Chennai we have same day appointments and there are No Call-Out Charges. We cover all types of Lizard Control throughout Chennai. Pest Check Systems also use various methods in the Control and prevention of Lizard. We use the latest chemicals and we will talk you through the whole process and advise how to deter Fleas from your home in the future.
The most effective way to control bed bugs in your home is through a combination of chemical measures and heat treatments applied by a Pest Management Professional (PMP). Unfortunately, the service of a PMP can be costly. So we are providing information on how to control a bed bug infestation on your own.
Ants are one of the most common pests found around the world. More than 10,000 known ant species were found on earth, especially in the tropical forest region. Ants may lookalike termites but there is a major difference in their physical appearance as well as feeding habit. They communicate and cooperate with the help of chemicals it alert others or lead them to food source. Clients can avail from us a wide range of Ants Control Services as per their detailed demands. Offered ranges of services are highly admired in the market due to their high quality.
Owing to the support and dedication of our professionals, we are able to render a wide assortment of Wood Borer Control Services in the market. Offered services are rendered in close relation with customers so as to ensure their high level of satisfaction.
Mosquito menace is always acute during pre and post monsoon seasons and less during summer months. Mosquitoes are known to have flying range of about 2-3 kilometers radius their source of breeding. Helped by wind and other natural factors they migrate. They (adult mosquito's) normally rest on trees, plants and outer wall surface etc., before they enter the premises to feed on human blood usually during dusk hours.
We shall be carrying out through indoor residual spraying operation inside the premises. Under this operation the areas mentioned in the vulnerable places shall be treated periodically as per the frequency suggested. We shall be using safe pesticides belonging to the group "synthetic parathyroid" that are approved /recommended to be used in food processing units.
The special eco – friendly insecticides formulation shall be sprayed regularly in adult resting and suspected breeding areas. Utmost care will be taken during the spray in treatment.
Flies of many kinds have affected man his welfare for thousands of years. House fly eggs are laid in almost warm, moist materials, which will furnish suitable food for the growing larva. During day light hours, houseflies will rest on Floor, walls and ceiling indoors. Outdoors they will rest on plants, on the ground, on the fence wires, garbage, cans and other such surfaces. At night, they will rest principally on ceilings, electric wires and dangling light cords indoors. In all situations, they prefer corner and edges or thin objects such as wires and strings. Night resting places are usually near daytime sources of food and are usually 5 to 15 feet off the ground.
Houseflies are common carriers of large variety of disease organisms such as those of typhoid fever, paratyphoid, cholera and some types of dysentery, infantile diarrhea and others

Wasps can be very annoying and aggravating especially in and around food or drink. Wasp will build their nest from late April in any crack or crevices as long as there is a void behind it. For Example: in the eaves of your house in a garden walls, trees, bushes, attic space or chimneys. Wasps will continue to build their nest throughout the summer months and they can reach from 2,000 to 6,000 and more wasps in a single nest. At Pest Control Chennai we use the latest methods to ensure all adult insects and their larva are destroyed. We can destroy wasp nests for all domestic properties, business premises, timber yards and all other outside work places.
Many caterpillars have hairs or spines. In contact with human skin, they can cause pain, rashes, itching, burning, swelling, and blistering. Avoiding caterpillars is best. Remove spines by applying and removing tape to strip the irritating hairs and spines out of the skin.
In this world, there are several species of spiders existing and creating infestations. Such different species can be identified in different sets of environments say for dry places, damp moist areas et al. You can see spiders' existent abundantly in such places both inside and outside of your premises, which include not only house storage areas, but also utility cabins, go-downs, dungeons, back yards, factory premises, etc.

In the garden, grow small-flower nectar plants, such as sweet alyssum and Scabiosa; this will attract natural predators including ladybugs, mealybug destroyers, and green lacewing larvae. Insecticidal soap, summer oil, neem, or an insecticide with carbaryl can also help control mealybugs.

Snakes range from being an unsightly irritant to deadly pests that can plague commercial spaces, warm storage units and factories. Ensuring the removal and prevention of snake infestation is vital for safety. We are creating Repelent. Hence, Created the repelent inside promises as well outside the boundary area. Snakes will not enter inside the promises or boundary of the promises. (Inner or Outer Areas)

To prevent silverfish inside infestations, eliminate sources of excessive moisture in places like faulty plumbing and areas of condensation. Silverfish love the humidity. The use of a dehumidifier will reduce moisture content in the air that is essential to silverfish survival. Silverfish can not survive inside buildings in low relative humidity If the relative humidity is above 50% year-round in an air-tight house, silverfish infestations may be difficult to control.
Centipedes don't really leave any evidence that they are inside your home or other structure. They don't even nest in a regular place – instead, they find a new hiding place each day.
You're most likely to come upon a centipede by accident. You'll spot it resting on a wall, darting out from underneath a box you're moving or trapped in a sink basin or tub.
We've got good news for you. Centipedes are generally solitary creatures and that means true infestations are rare. The general thought is that if you can spray or squash any centipede you see, you'll make a major dent in the centipede population in your home.
Our trained technicians delicately displace bees from the hive using eco-friendly methods. The hive is then removed, forcing the bees to relocate. Although bees are important, they can pose a threat. Why not choose a service that protects both you and the bees at all times. Honey bees are a subset of bees in the genus Apis, primarily distinguished by the production and storage of honey and the construction of perennial, colonial nests out of wax. Honeybees are the only extant members of the tribe Apis, all in the genus Apis. Currently, there are only seven recognized species of honeybee with 44 subspecies, though historically, anywhere from six to eleven species have been recognized.
Housecleaning may not be the most enjoyable activity in your day, but a few minutes killing germs can go a long way toward keeping your family healthy. Routine cleaning with detergent or soap and water removes dirt and grime from surfaces (ex: floors, walls, carpet, windows). Sanitizing removes dirt and small amounts of germs. Some items and surfaces are cleaned to remove dirt then sanitized (ex: bathrooms, counters, toys, dishes, silverware). Some items and surfaces require the added step of disinfecting after cleaning to kill germs on a surface (ex: changing tables, sinks, counters, toys).
No.27, Rajaji St, Srinivasa nagar,
New Perungalathur, Chennai - 600063
CT: + 91 - 95000 88227 | 95000 39777