JACS Directory 2/127, Puthiyamputhur,Tuticorin - 628 402, Tamilnadu, India.

JACS Directory
2/127, Puthiyamputhur,Tuticorin - 628 402, Tamilnadu, India.
phone : +91 9943365389
JACS Directory is an international research platform and invites contributions of original and novel fundamental research to its journals. The journals aim to provide an international forum for the presentation of original fundamental research, interpretative reviews and discussion of new developments in Chemical Sciences. Papers which describe novel theory and its application to practice are welcome.The main object of JACS Directory is to publish the research paper well in time. All the papers are reviewed by subject experts before publication. The journal has an editorial board and advisory board of chemists of International repute.
About Us
JACS Directory aims to serve as a platform to young buddies in emerging and developing research areas in chemical sciences like Inorganic, Organic, Physical, Analytical, Biological, Pharmaceutical, Industrial, Environmental, Soil and Agro chemistry as well as chemical physics and engineering etc. and to link with centers of excellence worldwide to provide authoritative coverage and references in focused and specialist fields. We serve Science & Mankind at the highest levels of Professional Ethical Conduct.JACS Directory publishes peer-reviewed original research papers, case studies, review articles and technical notes.
Please Refer Our Individual Journal Pages to See the Article Processing Charges
1. Journal of Advanced Chemical Sciences – JACS
2. Journal of Nanoscience and Technology – JNST
3. Journal of Advanced Physical Sciences – JAPS
4. Journal of Thin Films Research – JTFR
5. Journal of Advanced Electrochemistry – JAEC
6. Journal of Environmental Science and Pollution Research – JESPR
7. Journal of Natural Products and Resources – JNPR
8. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medicinal Research - JPMR