Hinduja Housing Finance Financial Services No: 27-A, Developed Industrial Estate, Guindy, Chennai - 600032

Hinduja Housing Finance
Financial Services
Chennai, Tamilnadu
We Trust Your Potential
Registered Office
Hinduja Housing Finance Ltd,
No: 27-A, Developed Industrial Estate,
Guindy, Chennai - 600032
Tamil Nadu, India.
Email : compliance@hindujahousingfinance.com
Toll Free : 1800-3005 5955
Hinduja Housing Finance offers a wide range of Home Loans across various segments and diverse regions. Every Indian’s dream is to own a home that reflects their personal taste and lifestyle. At Hinduja Housing Finance, we understand this aspiration and give wings to it. We offer a wide range of home loans at attractive rates of interest and minimum documentation or “*No Income Proof" basis.
About Hinduja Group
“My dharma (duty) is to work, so that I can give."Paramanand Deepchand
Parmanand Deepchand Hinduja (1901-1971)
Founder, The Hinduja Group
The Hinduja Group was founded by Parmanand Deepchand Hinduja in 1914. He was a foresighted visionary with strong business acumen. He had a keen eye for opportunities and capitalized on them.
He hailed from a Hindu family based in India and set up operations in the country. The Hinduja Group made its first international foray in Iran in 1919. Merchant Banking and Trade were the twin pillars of the business and remained headquartered in Iran, until the company moved to Europe in 1979.
With its pioneering and entrepreneurial spirit, the Hinduja group has expanded and diversified its businesses, along with significant philanthropic contributions, under the present leadership of Chairman, Srichand, ably supported by his brothers, Gopichand, Prakash and Ashok.
Presently, The Hinduja Group is a global conglomerate headquartered in London, United Kingdom. The Hinduja Group
takes pride in being one of the largest diversified groups in the world spanning all continents. It employs over 70,000 people and has offices in many key cities of the world and all the major cities in India, religiously adapting the work principle “Service with The foundation is devotion and willingness to see fulfillment of one’s self-interest in the active promotion of the interest of the collective.”
The Hinduja Group has always adapted to free-market reforms in tandem with the increasing new markets that have opened, and capitalising on new economy opportunities. As a result, the Hinduja Group has now strategically positioned itself to contribute to old economy sectors such as Banking & Finance, Transport, Energy (Oil & Power) as well as the new economy of Technology, Media and Telecom.
Firm adherents in traditional family values, they have all along striven to inculcate the family concept in their business enterprises.
Mutual trust, respect, cohesion and co-operation are emphasised as key organisational guidelines. At the same time, sound modern management practices are given primacy within individual companies of the Group and also at the corporate level.
Professionals are allocated independent charge of diversified activities. There is a high premium on healthy internal competition, incentives to executives and employees for outperforming one another, and appreciation of good performance.
The Group has, throughout its history, demonstrated a strong commitment to creating better understanding between the people and the governments of the world. Building amity and co-operation between their host country and their mother country, India, has been an article of faith.
Hinduja Housing Finance is a part of the Hinduja Leyland Finance (HLF) the financing arm of truck manufacturer Ashok Leyland, which provides a wide gamut of financial offerings. It also supports charitable and philanthropic activities across the world through the Hinduja Foundation.
About Group Philosophy
The Hinduja Group Hinduja Family, has been conducting its business activities for over 100 years, across Asia, Europe and America. It has done so by following the example and inspiration of the Hinduja Group‘s Founder, Parmanand Deepchand Hinduja(1901-1971), and his strong belief that it was his ‘dharma (duty) to work, so that he can give’.
It was from Parmanand’s experiences, instinct and belief in the need to work hard so as to progress in life, both professionally in business and personally as a man with a growing family, that he developed his five guiding principles. These guiding principles are pivotal to how the Group and family conduct themselves in their business and personal lives.
It is the universality of these principles and how they can be applied in commerce, business management, philanthropic activities and one’s own personal life that have enabled them to last the test of time.
The duty to work diligently also carries the responsibility that one should give something back to others and society. In turn, hard work and success will earn one respect in business. That respect also requires one to be able to meet all of one’s commitments and only enter into agreements that one knows one can honour. And this should apply, whatever the economic conditions, whether it is growth or recession.
Hence the idea of word is a bond. This enables one to build trust and confidence with one’s stakeholders, including employees, customers and suppliers, where long term relationships could be developed for the benefit of everyone.
Following on from these two principles, the founder sought to seek new markets and products, enabling the Group to acquire geographical, product and industrial diversification. This led to the third abiding principle, act local, think global.
Simplistic in its ideal, but difficult in its application, the potential market is the whole world. There is always a customer for your goods and services, the challenge is to find that market, get your product to that market, offer it at a competitive price, and ultimately have a satisfied and loyal customer. One has to understand the needs of each local market as each market has different traditions and customs. Understanding them, recognising them and remaining sensitive to and respecting them will lead to business success.
Meeting such challenges can be risky but sharing this risk and its reward can bring real benefit. Partnership for growth builds on the principles of Act Local, Think Global and includes the idea of communication and working with others – both within and with other organisations. Only by doing these can organisations be flexible, look to the long term and innovate. It is by working with others, including your suppliers and customers, can one cut costs in the value chain and add to economic growth.
Working with others also recognises your own limitations and expertise, seeking the right partnerships can bring the necessary expertise and innovation, and in sharing you can exchange ideas and concepts with partners on the clear understanding that with shared risk there is shared reward.
The final principle, advance fearlessly, has as its base the other four principles. To grow your business takes time and effort, it involves risks and has setbacks as well as advances. However, with the founder and the Group, risks are fewer through partnerships, the trust and confidence of customers is higher as commitments are honoured, while respect has been earned, as the Hinduja Group has learnt to understand the different markets and cultures in which it operated. This allows the Group to advance fearlessly.
About Hinduja Housing Finance
Hinduja Housing Finance’s mission is to add value to all its stakeholders; viz; shareholders, customers, employees and society as a whole; and grow its business by adding value consistently. The management team is hand-picked for knowledge, strategy and innovation.
At a granular level, Hinduja Housing Finance stands for
Excellent care of customers using technology
SOPs across branches
Top-class risk management techniques
Empowered people who derive pride through achievement of results
Sustainable processes with responsibility for social values
Hinduja Housing Finance was incorporated in April 2015 as a subsidiary of Hinduja Leyland Finance, which is one of the leading NBFCs in vehicle finance. Its coveted parentage ensures Hinduja Housing Finance stands inspired by lofty ideals. Its values stem from its goals of becoming a preferred financier status and a one-stop for home finance needs.
Hinduja Housing Finance is part of the prestigious Hinduja Group, which is a diversified business group with a rich legacy spanning over 110 years. The Group enjoys a multinational presence, has business operations across continents spread across 10 verticals, supported by over 150,000+ people under its fold. Above all, the Group’s legacy ensures Hinduja Housing Finance stays in constant pursuit of transparency, aided by strong ethical principles.
Our Vision & Mission
To grow our business on sound lines to create value for all our stakeholders; viz:shareholders, customers, employees and society as a whole.
Hinduja Housing Finance aspires to be
An organization distinguished by :
Its use of technology to extend excellent customer service, standardize operating processes across its branches and exercise rigorous risk management practices across credit, operational and market risks.
Empowerment of its employees to deliver consistently superior business results with pride and sense of achievement.
Sustainable practices and corporate social responsibility aiming at financial inclusion.
A forerunner in the market place in terms of profitability, productivity and efficiency as measured by ROA, ROE, NIM, Cost to Income Ratio and Net NPAs.
“Your one-stop shop for your housing finance needs”
Built on the foundation of strong ethics, honesty and transperancy with all our stakeholders, we envision us to be the preferred financier for our customers, providing the best in class Housing Finance Company among the companies engaged in home financing.
HHF is governed by following values:
Trust :
To maintain a workplace characterized by widespread belief in the integrity, reliability, and ability of employees.
Customer Service :
To consider and understand the needs of the customer to facilitate the accomplishment of common goals.
Competence :
To maintain a workplace characterized by employees who have the skills and training to do their jobs.
Teamwork :
To encourage the use of teams to accomplish organizational goals and objectives.
Quality :
To promote an environment characterized by employees with a passion for excellence.
Honesty :
To always maintain the highest standards of credibility, sincerity and trustworthiness.
Respect :
To always treat people with the highest level of regard and dignity, recognizing the value of each individual.
Accountability :
To be responsible for and committed to, the timely delivery of quality services and solutions as individuals and teams.