Doorstep physiotherapy Assistance ( Home physio care for bedridden patients )

vishnu Prakash | July 20, 2022, 7:49 a.m.

Doorstep physiotherapy Assistance ( Home physio care for bedridden patients )

To take physiotherapy In all leaps and borders a step to help people in need of home physio care . Home physio focus on people with condition such as :

  1. stroke 
  2. Geriatrics 
  3. Recent surgeries 
  4. physically challenged 
  5. Mentally retarded 

And also help to focus on people who are planning to start ( strengthening program , sports personalities, rehabilitation programs , balance training programs etc ) .  Medical advises for all clinical conditions can be given either through WhatsApp or voice call . 

Keywords: physiotherapy rehabilitation / Home physio

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