10 copywriting frameworks that you might find useful:

10 copywriting frameworks that you might find useful:
- AIDA: Attention, Interest, Desire, Action. This framework is a classic and widely used in advertising and copywriting. It helps you structure your copy to grab the reader's attention, pique their interest, build desire, and end with a strong call-to-action.
- PAS: Problem, Agitation, Solution. This framework focuses on identifying a problem your reader is facing, agitating the problem to make the reader feel its impact, and then offering a solution to the problem.
- FAB: Features, Advantages, Benefits. This framework helps you describe the features of a product, its advantages, and the benefits it provides to the customer.
- 4 Ps: Promise, Picture, Proof, Push. This framework starts with a promise to the reader, paints a vivid picture of the benefits, provides proof to support your claims, and ends with a push to take action.
- APP: Awareness, Problem, Promise. This framework is useful when your audience may not be aware of a problem or the solution you offer. It starts by creating awareness of the problem, identifying the problem, and offering a promise of a solution.
- Before-After-Bridge: This framework helps you tell a story of transformation from the "before" state to the "after" state and offers a bridge to help the reader get from one to the other.
- The 5 Cs: Clear, Concise, Compelling, Credible, and Customer-centric. This framework is a checklist to make sure your copy meets the five key criteria of effective copywriting.
- The 5 Ws and 1 H: Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How. This framework helps you ensure that your copy answers all of the critical questions your reader might have.
- The 4 Us: Urgent, Unique, Useful, and Ultra-specific. This framework is a checklist to make sure your copy is urgent, unique, useful, and ultra-specific.
- The Problem-Agitate-Solve-Promote (PASP) framework: This framework is similar to the PAS framework, but it adds an extra step to promote the solution, focusing on the benefits of taking action.
These frameworks can be useful guides to help you structure your copy and make sure it is engaging, persuasive, and effective.