SMSIntegra - Choose the easy way of Sending Bulk SMS Offers, Instant OTPs, Weblinks & Images

API for Developers
Full-Featured Flexible SMS APIs. Easy Integration in PHP, Java, C#
Start texting in minutes with our sample codes and comprehensive documentation\
Whether it’s sending OTPs or triggering transactional alerts from your application, simply cut and paste our readily available sample codes to integrate easily.
Robust, scalable cloud-based infrastructure
- Inbuilt redundancy for near-zero downtime
- Intelligent routing technology to select the best possible routes
- Secure SMS gateway, trusted by leading banks
Best-in-class SMS delivery
- Direct connectivity with leading telecom operators
- Unmatched delivery, whether it’s 1 SMS or a million
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Do you charge any setup fee or monthly rental to use the services?
No. It is FREE to register and you receive Free test credits to check our services.
No, your password will be sent on your registered number in order to prove your authenticity. Delivery of your message is our responsibility, so you need not to pay anything to your operator for sending SMS from our portal. 3. How much have I to pay to send a message? Opening an account with us is Free. We also provide some free test credits in your account to try our services. One Credit is deducted for every message your send from your account You can re-charge your account any time when you run out of credits. 4. What is credit ? 1 Message of (1-160 Character) = 1 Credit. So 1 Credit is utilized to send a message to any mobile network (GSM or CDMA) in India. 5. How can I buy the credits? I do not even have a bank account. You have to login to your control panel to avail this facility. After you login to your control panel you will have the option of Buy SMS credits. You can re-charge your account by purchasing credits through online (Credit Card) or Offline payment options. In online option, your credits are transferred immediately to your account, however in case of offline payment, credits will be transferred after realization of payment. You can also send a cheque/demand draft. If you do not need a bank account you can send us the required amount through DD. On realization of your payment your credits will be transferred to your account within 2-5 hrs. Please send a support request at, cc to after you made any such transaction, mentioning your userid or registered mobile number, amount and last 3 digits of your account number. 6. What is the validity of Credits I purchase? You will get validity depending on the scheme you buy. 7. How many minimum credits I can buy? You can buy minimum 1000 Credits. 8. Is there any monthly rental or minimum charges or commitment ? No, there are no rental or minimum monthly charges. Just purchase the credits as and when you need them. 9. How long does message delivery take? The average time taken is less than 5-10 seconds! However sometimes congestion in network may cause unavoidable delay. 10. At time a message can be sent to how many mobile phones? We recommend 100. You can try more than that depending on your Internet bandwidth. 11. Which are the operators in India where we can send SMS? You can send SMS to almost any operator in India including GSM & CDMA. 12. Can I send messages to other countries? No. Currently not. Possible on special request if your volume is good enough for us to give u a separate gateway. 13. Do I get notification when I am running low in credits? Yes. You automatically receive an email when your account is less than 25 credits. This is a free service. You can write us at if you need any modification for your account. 14. Can I take a trial of your service before I buy some credits? Yes. We can offer you some complimentary Free credits when you Register for our services. 15. What is a Sender ID? Sender ID is a max of 11 digit Alpha numeric code used to send message using your company name. Due to technical restriction some CDMA operator do not accept SMS bearing Alpha numeric Sender ID. In these cases, our default GSM Sender ID will be replaced automatically with alpha numeric id. You can also create and use your GSM sender ID for sending SMS to these operators on written approval. Remember this facility is available to our paid users only after due approval and verification. For the service providers like Tata Indicom and Reliance who have CDMA, don't allow ALPHANUMERIC masking, Our program automatically distinguishes the CDMA numbers from the GSM and masks when required. So GSM numbers will get the sender id you have set and CDMA numbers will get the fancy number we have set. You may also give a GSM number as sender id for cdma network which can be set for your account after due validation process. 16. Can I use this service for Marketing our products? As per the prevailing rules you cannot use this service for mass marketing/spam. However you can use this service to push SMS to the clients who are eligible / agreed upon to receive your updates and promotions. 17. What format of mobile numbers to be used when I create contact list or send any message? Just type the country code and mobile (e.g 919840059095). In case you wish to send a message to multiple mobiles, separate the number with a coma (,). Now we have added auto detect and add default Indian country code. 18. Is it mandatory to use your service after we have registered? No, You are free to discontinue using our service whenever you wish to do so. Just send a support request or mail us at informing us about your unwillingness to continue your account. 19. What is security of your website? Special attention is given to the security aspect. Password is send to registered mobile number only to prevent any misuse of this service. Your information will not be shared with any third party as per our privacy policy. 20. What is the protocol of sending message? Can I send anything to any one? No, SMS provides you the best of the technology to ensure a better, fast, reliable and secure way of communication. Using our service for sharing adult / porn content, spreading of rumour, threatening language or any purpose which is against the law or causing dissatisfaction to any one is prohibited. Violating this protocol may lead to suspension of your account without prior notification. 21. Some times I receive duplicate massage. This happens in very rare circumstances. This may occur when you are on roaming, or in a very low signal belt. If you continue to face the same problem you can send a mail to 22. How will I come to know that my message is delivered? We keep records of all the messages sent by you in last 24 hrs. minimum. You can login and check the status at "Sent Message" in report section. 23. I am not able to find the registration link. Please click the link Register Or use this short url. 24. I have not received my password. Please mail us at 25. I have a website, can I add SMS facility to it. Yes, we also provide http gateway for sending SMS from your website or desktop application. More ... 26. Do you offer any technical Support? Our Technical support is available 24X7. For any help write us at 27. I did not find my question on your FAQ list. Kindly mail us all your queries or suggestions to We are happy to help you. 28. Why have I received multiple copies of a message? In rare circumstances a message may be received more than once. This is most likely to occur when 'roaming' on a foreign network, or in a very bad-signal area. If neither of these statements is true, then you should check that you are not sending multiple copies to SMSIntegra! by mistake. 29. Also,the Sender ID should be pre-approved. All the existing Sender IDs has been submitted for approval.Henceforth the Sender ID should be pre-approved.So please register the required sender IDs prior to sending messages. This directive will take effect from 1st Feb 2009. We will be very thankful for your cooperation in this regard. 30 . Kindly note that as per TRAI directive, all sender id's will be prefixed by a 3 character operator code from the 1st of Feb 09. All sender ids will be reduced to 8 characters. Hence you are requested to kindly make a note and use sender id's within 8 characters, all sender id's longer than 8 characters will be reduced to 8 characters. 31. Now the restrictions in sender id's from 01 Feb 2009, are as follows, 1. Dynamic Sender option disabled by the Telco. 2. Vulnerable sender ids - messages will be dropped. 2.1 Names of persons of repute, Political parties, City, state, 2.2 Sexually explicit, Pornographic 2.3 Unknown mobile numbers ( which are not owned by the sender , Not traceable) 2.4 Controversial , unacceptable 2.5 Not in compliance with Indian law 3. Sender id's not listed in Telco's Database - SMS Will be dropped 4. Numeric Number should be valid and the ownership of that number should be with the vendor. 4.1 Invalid Indian mobile number 4.2 Valid / invalid international mobile numbers 32. Undertaking form for not scrubbing against NDNC Iif you are sending messages only to Opt-in / Non-NDNC registered mobile numbers which are transactional in nature and do not contain any commercial or unsolicited communications, please print the undertaking form for not scrubbing against NDNC in your letter head duly filled and signed and send it to us. While sending the form please mention the nature of SMS (like Share market tips, Billing information….). No marketing messages are entertained through the Non-DND route. If any compliant received, your A/C will be blocked & Sender ID also will be blocked across operator. Download the format. (to be printed in your business Leter head) 33. Prohibited Items and Activities: * Adult Oriented Products and Services - includes pornography (including child pornography), sexually explicit materials (in all media types such as Internet, phone, and printed materials), dating services, escort services, or prostitution services. * Alcohol - includes sales of wine, beer, and liquor conducted over the Internet or mail order * Collection Agencies - includes businesses that are engaged in the collection of uncollectible debt or accounts receivable and billing companies. * Credit Services -- includes credit counseling, credit repair services, credit protection, and identity theft protection. * Donations and Charitable Solicitations - includes charities and non-profit organizations without a valid 501(c)(3) tax exempt status, charitable solicitations, commercial fundraisers (including commercial co-venturers), or any activity associated with the solicitation of donations. * Drugs - includes illegal drugs, drug paraphernalia, online or mail order pharmacies, importation of pharmaceuticals from foreign countries, and prescription devices. * Financial Intermediaries and Money Service Businesses - includes online auctions, Internet malls processing third party payments, credit card aggregators, offshore banking operations, debt financing, money transmitters, check cashing services, currency exchange and dealing, cash advance services, payday lending, escrow services, any service that receives and processes money on behalf of others, and any issuers, redeemers, and sellers of money orders, travelers checks, and stored value products (other than retail gift cards). * Firearms and Weapons - includes ammunition, guns, rifles, shotguns, pistols, other firearms, knives (automatic, spring-loaded knives, throwing, etc.), brass knuckles, or other weapons. * Gambling Businesses - includes online gambling (including poker), lotteries (including sale of lottery tickets), games of chance (including sweepstakes and raffles), sports forecasting, or odds-making. * Healthcare Discount Plans - includes discount healthcare plans or membership programs. * Illegal, Inappropriate or Offensive Items or Activities - includes any good or service that violates local, state, or federal laws or regulations or that would be generally offensive to others. Examples include stolen goods, Cuban cigars, cable descramblers, materials that infringe other's intellectual property rights (including pirated software and counterfeit goods), human body parts, endangered species, items that defame or slander others, hate literature, occult materials, and any other items or activities that in our judgment are illegal, inappropriate or offensive in connection with our services. * Marketing Businesses - includes direct marketing, subscription merchants, telemarketing, multi-level marketing, "up-sell" merchants, infomercial merchants, and rebate-based businesses. * Membership Clubs - includes buyer clubs, membership clubs, and lifetime memberships or guarantees. * Miracle Cure Products - includes cures, remedies or enhancement products, and other health/nutritional products offering guaranteed results. * Money Making ("Get Rich") Businesses - includes information guides, warranty fees, mortgage reduction services, and any product or service where a prize is guaranteed, marketing media is unavailable, premiums/incentives are offered, promises of future guaranteed results are made, or any rebate or reward program. * Phone Services - includes 800 or 900 phone services and audio text services, prepaid phone cards, and prepaid phone services. * Regulated Activities - includes bail bonds services, security brokers, and bankruptcy attorneys. * Tobacco Products - includes cigars, cigarettes, and other tobacco products. * Travel and Time Share Services - includes agencies, tour operators, clubs, packages, airlines, cruise lines, time shares, and property management companies. 34. The updated TRAI regulation published in Dec 2010 would be effective from 01 Feb, 2011. For more details please visit 35. Important Notification (01-NOV-2012)- SMS Services TATA - SMSIntegra has been informed by one of our service providers, TATA Teleservices Limited (TTSL), effective from 1st November 2012, the cost per SMS is being revised steeply. As a result, we are discontinuing the termination of SMS using the TTSL's telecom resources with effect from 31st October 2012 – 9pm till further notice. Going forward, the price per SMS for termination to TATA network will be in accordance to the hike in source price. Important Notification (02-NOV-2012)- SMS Services Aircel - SMSINTEGRA has been informed by one of our service providers, Aircel, effective from 3rd November 2012, the cost per SMS is being revised steeply. As a result, we are discontinuing the termination of SMS using the Aircel's telecom resources with effect from 2nd November 2012 – 9pm till further notice. This will impact your On Deck Aircel services from the effective date. However, in the interest of business continuity of your esteemed organisation, we will not pass on this increase in cost until further notice. Your Aircel termination will continue as is. 35. Urgent Notice :: Steep Upward Price Revision - (05-NOV-2012) There is news of more than 10 to 15 fold hike in SMS purchase rates from operators. This fact has been communicated to us by the operators offering bulk SMS services . Though two of the operators have already communicated to us the new prices. At the moment we are awaiting clarity from all other operators. However it is almost certain that SMS purchase rates will be in the vicinity of 40 paisa (15% to 20% variance either ways). The proposed hike is a result of a ruling by TDSAT (Telecom Disputes Settlement and Appellate Tribunal ) in favour of Airtel. In the past operators had signed agreements amongst themselves and agreed to pay interconnect charges on messages terminating on other networks. So far it was a "bill and keep" arrangement and operators weren't paying each other. Airtel had been billing operators 10 paisa as interconnect charges on all A to P SMS messages terminating on their network and had filed an appeal in TDSAT demanding that they be paid. TDSAT has ruled in favour of Airtel.The ruling in favour of Airtel has had a direct impact on operate pricing. Other operators are also likely to follow suit. All upward rate revisions are expected very shortly and will be effected on short notice (or even with immediate effect). It is likely to be across all operators in the short term if not long term. Request you to take necessary approval from your management if necessary for the uninterrupted service. For any further query you can be in touch with your account manager. 36. if you violate any of these Terms of Service or any applicable Additional Terms You will forfeit all in-kind credits accruing to you (if any) in connection with the SMSIntegra Network and there will be no refund of any fees prepaid by you. 37. Privacy policy: The policy of SMSIntegra is to protect the privacy of SMSIntegra Members who are using any of the SMSIntegra Services. Privacy Assurance: SMSIntegra respects and protects your privacy. SMSIntegra does not share your information with outside companies for their promotional use.